Well what's new with us...
We had to move out of our perfect little guest house :( unfortunately the owner of the main property and our guest house had to move for work and had to sell our house. It was very fast and unexpected and happened RIGHT in the MIDDLE of my MIDTERMs week, it was great. But we got over it and moved on to our next little place... the upstairs of my parents home. We weren't thrilled about moving back in with our parents. But after lots of prayer and decision making as to where we should move next we decided it would be the smartest move to save money this next year while we wait to hear in March of 2015 where I will be going to graduate school. So the upstairs of my parents home it is. We haven been super spoiled here with an amazing new ward family, and plenty of space now that we have taken over my parents bonus room (& turned it into our living room) and their other two guest rooms upstairs that we turned into my study room and the other our bedroom. Although Hidden Springs is quite a drive to school and work for us we have enjoyed all the extra time together carpooling back and forth. And after living out here and meeting our new church family we have fallen in love with Hidden Springs and really hope it will be our future home, we would love to raise our kids here and find a house of our own here.
Besides moving, we just have been keeping busy with work and school. I just finished another semester of school and Michael just got a new job closer to home working for a packaging and shipping company. He's really excited to start something new and I'm really excited to be done with another semester of school! This last winter Michael and I decided to plan a vacation/ overdue honeymoon to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for this summer. So we are so excited to leave this Wednesday and have a week of paradise, be expecting pictures soon! :))
We are so blessed to have such amazing family that will house us while we anxiously save for wherever we may have to move for graduate school and we are so excited for this vacation we both really need it after this crazy unexpected move!
Here's a few pictures of our latest adventures :
Shooting w/ Andi & Michael |
Steelheads Hockey Game w/ My mom & Michael |
Our One Year Anniversary Pictures Taken By My Sister N' Law Erin :) |
Had so much fun with Erin at Wicked! |
Hiking Tablerock with My Sis N' Law Andi |
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